Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reading Notes: Life of the Buddha, Part B

 The Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold (1922)

Buddha (Source)

I know most sects of Buddhism have supreme respect for animals to the point they don't eat them. There is one sect, I can't recall its name, that has its devotees become nomadic beggars. Because they are begging, they took whatever food they can get. Siddhartha talking to his horse, Kanthaka, like a human being reminds me of this respect. I also forgot how Siddhartha abandons a wife and a child. This version of the story doesn't make that super obvious. I wonder if he ever sees them again? 

Siddhartha's mission is to defeat death and old age. Dang the horse dies just like that. The king was so sad, and yet he couldn't help but appreciate his son's virtue. That's pretty cool. That's the same kind of feeling I've had when I broke up with someone. I was sad, but I knew it needed to happen, so I was grateful. 

Siddhartha refusing to teach Arata Kalama's doctrine is really cool. Reincarnating is the evil that must be stopped in the Buddha's mind. Those who suffer for a better life in the next are doing so for the reward of a better life. That life is also ended with death. Those who gratify their flesh also die and brought down to a lower caste for their misdeeds. 

Mara, the evil one. I know there's evil gods in Hinduism, but I didn't know there was a bad guy in this story other than death and old age. 

I have an idea I could write about. Two actually. The first I had centered around the gods interventions when Siddhartha visited the city. I wanted to make those visions instead Siddhartha had instead of the gods creating actual events. My second idea is to start out a traditional story, but then have it revealed that the story being told is about a guy writing a story about the Buddha. The connection for me is the Tree of Knowledge. This writer would be saying the Buddha deceived himself by his awakening under the tree. That he tricked the world or something. Gosh, it would be so ridiculous. I don't want to think about actually writing it now, but I could make something out of it.

Mother Earth was a character I wasn't expecting in this story. Mara's attempt at trying to destroy Buddha because he'll be robbing him of his subjects in his kingdom is cool. I don't remember how that works in Hinduism/Buddhism. Is there a hell or a Hades? Isn't an existence in a lower caste hell?

I have trouble tracking his causes and effects. 

"Who drinks salt water increases his thirst; who flees from desire finds his thirst appeased."
Meeting one desire makes a person want to meet the next. It's an endless cycle. Drinking salt water has a similar effect. 

ab·ste·mi·ous: not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking.
You find some great words when reading these. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reading Notes: Life of the Buddha, Part A

 The Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold (1922)

    The story of the Buddha is more similar to Christ than I realized. His mother had a dream instead of being visited by an angel, but his father was spoken to by the gods. His mother was also venerated for being the mother of a savior type. I haven't read this in the story yet, only in the introduction, but it's interesting how he awakens under the Tree of Knowledge. I wonder if original meaning of that word can be compared to the Tree of Knowledge (of Good and Evil) in the Bible. That would be an interesting story direction, but I have no interest in saying Buddhism is a deception or something. I learned in a religious studies class that some Hindus upon hearing about the Buddha and Christ say that these two people sound like incarnations of Vishnu. Or maybe it was Krishna... Oh, haha. The next story introduction says it's Vishnu. My memory does work!
    I know there's multiple sects of Buddhism just like in most religions, but I've always associated Buddhism with a lack of belief in divinity in the traditional sense. That gods are so wrapped up in
 the Buddha's origins are interesting. 

"This child will have his thoughts; they are gems of a purer water."

I should probably write these words down if I'm going to tell a story:

Kingdom: Kapilavastu
King Suddhodana 

It would seem Siddhartha has an innate knowledge inside of him. The greatest teacher cannot teach him anything. John is similar to him in saying he's only worthy to sit at his feet. The Buddha is prideful about what he already knows.

His father wanted to protect him from any stimulus that would disturb his mind, and yet that disturbance is the very thing that leads him to fulfilling what the gods said he would do. So are the gods really jealous when they send the old man during the parade, or are they intervening to set in motion what is meant to happen?

I was confused about Siddhartha being taken to see all these women, and then he returns to a wife he already had. I guess his father and the priest were trying to bring him some temporary pleasures to distract him his discontent. 

This is the first time I've finished a story chunk and not had an idea for a story... I don't think I'll do a traditional retelling here. I would go in a different direction. 

Buddha (Source)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Comment Wall

Click Below!!!

 My Story Portfolio

¡¡¡Click Above

I thought this would be funny, sorry (Source)

Here's what the portfolio looks like in its current state. (Screenshot by me)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Week 4 Lab: Storybook Research Robinhood Documentary


Stone Hood (Source)

    Because of Laura's email explaining how ingrained Robin Hood is in the history of England, I decided to watch a documentary about the origins of Robin Hood. The documentary is about 48 minutes long. The host of the documentary, using dialup internet, finds the original ballad of Robin Hood. He goes to the locations mentioned except these locations aren't what are commonly known today. Sherwood Forest isn't mentioned at all, and Robin Hood isn't a nobleman. He's a yeoman from Yorkshire. Not only that, he's a criminal in the worst sense. There is no mention of giving to the poor, but the stealing part remains. He steals from a monk. The reason he targets a monk is because at this time, monks in York held political power. Even though Robin Hood was a thief and even killed people in grotesque ways, he was still thought of as a folk hero at this time because his sins weren't viewed so negatively in a world where people died all the time. Not only that, monks were benefitting from a corrupt system in a corrupt way. 

    In modern stories about Robin Hood, King Richard the Lionheart is in power. In the ballads, King Edward is mentioned. There was a King Edward in thirteenth century, so it makes sense that Robin Hood existed during this time if he were real. In one of the ballads, King Richard visited York to put a stop to Robin Hood's lawlessness, but then he discovered Robin Hood was devoted to the king and invited him into his service. 

    Robin's Hood skill with archery existed with the original version of the character. The competition set up by the Sheriff of Nottingham was won by Robin and his men, and then Robin cut off the sheriff's head. 

    The documentary finds three historical figures that could have been Robin Hood. One was involved in a revolt against King Edward. Another was actually in the service of King Edward before retiring just like in the stories. He was also a noblemen. Another was a guy married to a woman named Matilda who could have gone by the name Marion. Marion was an addition to the Robin Hood mythos in the sixteenth century, but maybe there was some basis in fact for her, too. There were also many people in these times that were given the label of Robin Hood. It was tied to criminality. Overall, it seems like Robin Hood was an amalgamation of various stories. Perhaps an original figure existed at one time. All this evidence of various people perhaps being Robin Hood fits in with the direction I want to go: that Robin Hood is more of an idea that can be used for whatever purposes than he is an actual character. 

Was There A Real Robin Hood? | Robin Hood: Fact Or Fiction | Timeline

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Reading Notes: Infancy Gospels


Mary and Jesus (Source)

Matthew 1-2 King James version

"and knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son"

It's interesting the King James version uses this phrase here. I'm of the impression that this means sexual relations, but Catholics believe Mary remained a virgin throughout her life. Yes, in Luke, Mary says to the angel that she knows not a man. Interesting. I'm sure there's another interpretation of that phrase just as some think Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of inhospitality rather than homosexuality and other sins. 

I've thought of a story idea while reading about the wisemen departing from Herod. I thought when I selected this topic that I would be writing a story about Jesus as the main character, but perhaps I could write about someone visiting Jesus on the night of his birth. I could start with an angel or some other divine message being brought to this character. It could be interesting. I'm not sure what there background would be. What would their offering be? Perhaps he could offer services rather than a tangible gift. Maybe he could die for Jesus as a precursor to the great sacrifice? I'm kinda thinking Jesus' bodyguard. Dang. There could be an assassination plot on Jesus in Egypt. The bodyguard could be willing to kill for Jesus and then somehow learn that's not the way. I'm not sure if I would write it in old English or not... That would make the project more interesting. We'll see. 

Tarry. I like that word. It means to stay or delay departure. 

The Lost Books of the Bible, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926): The Protevangelion of James

That's interesting that this author has Joseph being a widower and older. It could explain why some are called brothers and sisters of Jesus. Maybe they were stepbrothers and stepsisters, not just followers and friends. I've heard of Mary being this young before, though. 

Wow. Joseph's comparison of his situation to when Eve was deceived is very enlightening. What Satan ruined when Eve was alone God redeemed when Mary was alone. I really like that. 

protoevangelium : Protoevangelium is a compound word of two Greek words, protos meaning "first" and evangelion meaning "good news" or "gospel". Thus the protevanglium in Genesis 3:15 is commonly referred to as the first mention of the good news of salvation in the Bible.

Well, this midwife is very similar to my bodyguard in that she pledges her life to Jesus. I've wondered before if Jesus knew who He was from his birth. This story would have you believe that. 

Ugh... That's really weird this story claims Jesus' foreskin or umbilical cord was preserved in a jar. Even weirder is that that jar was the one Mary Magdalene poured on his feet. 

It would be really interesting to do research on the connection between Zoroastrianism and the wisemen. 

I could incorporate this Egyptian idol story into my story. Its destruction could be a reason for assassination. Or I could stick with Herod. Maybe both.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Feedback Strategies: Children


How to give praise that builds your child’s self-esteem

My mother and father must have been aware of this advice when I was little because I find myself aware of doing those things when I talk to children now. I don't know why my mind thought for a minute my parents talking to me that way would be the only reason I talk that way now. I don't know that for sure. I was recently talking to someone about manipulation, and these statements might be considered manipulation in their mind. I don't think it is. I think it's leading someone in a direction you think is good for them to go in. Maybe the manipulation comes in when it's by force or you're knowingly using something against them you know they can't refuse? I think someone can manipulate (ha, I accidentally wrote motivate instead of manipulate at first, that's the word I like) someone into the right thing, but the end result doesn't excuse the methods. No one is going around calling motivational speakers manipulators, so I just need to remember every positive can be manipulated or perverted into something negative. 
Manipulation (Source)

A Troubling Side Effect of Praise

Yea, I know the problem. I'm a side effect of the problem, too. I don't know where I got it into my head, but I do prefer to work into a comfort zone. I'm just coming out of the idea now. It's easy to believe in growth potential when you think you're smart. When you think you're dumb, growth potential seems less likely. So while I say I have a growth mindset, there are times when I don't. Luckily I've never been one to try to prove myself to others. So if I cheat, it's for my own stupid reasons. I think the test would be interesting for children who are more likely to listen to explicit instructions. It would be testing for different things. These three and five year olds are being influenced by their age to a great degree. Then again, older children might suspect they're being watched by a camera or something. Pros and cons. 

Topic Research: Robin Hood

    Although awareness of Robin Hood was common in the middle ages, there doesn't seem to be an exact date for when he was alive--or even if he was alive. If I'm searching for a theme to have present throughout all my stories, it would be that Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. So getting away from an exact time period doesn't seem to go against the story of Robin Hood. In order to have more to write about it, I'm going to have to extrapolate some characteristics of Robin Hood and spin those out into the individual stories within the grand story. 

1. It would seem Robin Hood had allegiance to an authority that was no longer in power in some versions of the story.

2. He was devoted to a woman and had a group of loyal men.

3. He fought for others. 

With the first idea I could have Robin Hood be of royal descent and trying to bring glory back to his family's name. 

With the second idea I could have Robin Hood doing all he does to impress a woman. (So basic.)

With the third idea I could have Robin Hood be doing everything for himself. So while he does give to the poor, it's all for his own personal excitement. 

There could be three generations of Robin Hood, all doing things for their own selfish reasons. The transfer of wealth is completed each time, and the evil in the next chapter are the poor being fought for in the former chapter. 

There could be a Robin Hood figure who brought wealth to the pilgrims (or some other group of people who travel to a distant land). I suppose I don't have to follow real events and settings. My idea is this: those who come to America are persecuted, then they persecute (the Native Americans?), then that group is persecuted, then they persecute again. Well, that actually fits perfectly. Pilgrims to Native Americans to the British to imperialism. In reality the Native Americans never really became the ones in power. Either liberties will be taken, or I will go in a more fictional direction. 

There would have to be some resolution where someone does something truly sacrificially. Or is that too boring? I don't really care to have a downer ending where the cycle is going to constantly continue. 

Rob Hood (Source)
The ideas I mentioned before are so obvious. They could be background to actual characters. Maybe that could be my focus instead. Actual characters in each one of these generations. The main character could be the Robin Hood figure in some of the stories, but in others he could just be in the background. He could drive events forward, but the events are viewed by some other character. What do I really want to say? I want to say that no matter where the wealth is distributed evil will arise. That's easy to know. I want to say there will always be good men and women. That's obvious, too, but I think it's worth writing about if it can be interestingly said.

All the old English in the Wikipedia article is pretty funny.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Week 3 Story: Adam and Eve in Simulated Paradise

Current Version:     

Suddenly Adam was awake. Before him was great a light that would blind the average man. Adam was no average man, however. He was the first man, and the light before him was his creator, God. God took delight in Adam, and Adam took delight in God. There was order to their relationship, and they spent much time together naming all the beasts and other creatures of the earth. There was no pain or toil at this time. The naming of the animals was purely creative for Adam. This creativity came from God Himself since it was used to create Adam.

    Although Adam knew nothing but joy from the moment he was created from the dust of the earth, he wondered why all the creatures he had named had partners and he did not. He asked God this question. God, knowing the course of all time and what it meant for Adam to ask this question, put Adam into a deep sleep. When Adam awoke there was a creature of unrivaled beauty lying beside him. It was Adam's kind, a partner to help him. Adam named her Eve, and God said it was good. 

    "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, and I have seen all of God's wonderful creations," Adam said to Eve. Eve blushed her first blush, and from that moment had great joy when Adam complimented her. "I will show you all there is to see in God's garden. All of it is for us to enjoy except one tree and its fruit. That tree we must stay away from," Adam continued. Eve took to heart every word Adam said because she was devoted to him. The couple spent all their time with one another, and God took great delight in seeing the two together; for God knew the relationship they had was emblematic of the relationship between Him and Adam.

    There came a time when Adam and Eve were separated. Up until this time the two had never been disjointed. Adam was spending time in God's presence while Eve looked for the best fruits for them to enjoy. Before Eve was a tree with a creature unknown to her standing beside it. The creature, a serpent, had speech unlike the rest of the creatures in the garden. 

    "Why has Adam left you alone, Eve? You're too beautiful to be by yourself. Would he rather spend time without you?" the serpent questioned.

    "Adam is spending time with our Lord," Eve replied. "He spends time with God, and it is good."

    "Adam and God spend time without you because they think you are lesser than them. If you eat this fruit you will know just as much as God, and Adam can no longer think of himself as better than you," the serpent retorted. Eve had never thought of herself as lesser before. Her desire was to be with Adam, and so she accepted the fruit as a means to please Adam. In her mind, the fruit would make her, and even Adam, like God. They could draw closer to Him. 

    Adam found Eve returning with a fruit in her hand. He could see how excited she was about it and knew it would please her to take a bite. The two of them took a bite together. For the first time they felt the breeze against their naked bodies. They felt cold and ashamed. The omnipresent light in the garden had at once become too bright and too dim for them to look at. Adam and Eve hid and tried to fashion clothes out of the flora nearby but were too dismayed to be able to think of how to do so. The act of breathing was much more difficult than it was before. Their breaths were labored until they heard the voice of God calling out to them. At this their breaths stopped.

    "Where are you, Adam and Eve?" God asked.

    "We are hiding, Lord... This woman you gave me has given me the treacherous fruit! My life is a burden now, and I want you to take it away!" Adam exclaimed.

    "Lord, it was not I who wanted the fruit! The serpent convinced me of it. He is to blame!" Eve yelled.

    "The time has finally come. Adam, Eve, and the serpent, you all are banished from the garden. Our story is not yet complete, however. Adam and Eve, although your life will be toil and you will constantly yearn for the days we were completely together, I have a design for how things will go. Our creation will stomp out the serpent and his deception. Your disobedient sin will be redeemed, and you will once again join me in paradise. Until then, leave my presence for your sinful nature will not be able to handle my holiness. 

    Adam and Eve once again awoke, but this time they were John and Alex. They both became acutely aware of what was going on once their eyes opened to the blinding light of the digital screens surrounding them.

    "You two failed," a bodiless voice said in the room. "You were the most promising subjects yet, and even for you the temptation--or whatever it is--was too great. Of course you both are too disoriented to know what I'm talking about, so I'll just play the clip."

    The video clip then took over the screens and began describing what had just taken place: "Welcome to the Eden Project. It is our design to find a couple who can do what Adam and Eve couldn't. Using our recreation technology, we have modeled a genuine Eden. For the couple who can overcome the temptation, we will send them back in time to do what Adam and Eve..." the voice trailed off in the minds of John and Alex. Whatever the Eden Project was trying to do, they knew it couldn't be done with man alone. 

A Moment in Paradise (Source)

Author's Note: I came up with this story idea after reading the first story in the Adam and Eve unit. The first story is the King James version of Genesis. I found all the stories deepened and expanded the story of Adam and Eve. I thought it would be best if I did a condensed version with a twist ending to keep things interesting. I didn't try to change any major elements of what the story in the Garden of Eden is about, but I did try to describe why Adam and Eve would break away from God. I wanted to focus on how everything was in order before Adam and Eve separated from each other and then from God. I wanted the serpent to prey on what Eve first knew by calling her beautiful. She listened to every word he said just like she did with Adam. Once Eve and then Adam tried to please each other before God, things fell apart. I also made it a little more obvious about what God's plan for the future was.

I think there could definitely be more development once John and Alex wake up, but I ran out of space. What I'm trying to get across is that this organization is trying to make it so Adam and Eve never leave the garden. I don't really know what that looks like in practice, but the meaning is this: they are trying to fix things without thinking about how God has it all under control. 


Adam and Eve

King James Bible: Genesis

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B

 God and Creation (Source)

Leaving the Garden et cetera

The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926): The First Book of Adam and Eve 1-2

God tells Adam of "the Word" often. In Christianity, the word is Jesus himself. Adam and Eve keep falling down over and over again. The only thing sustaining them was God and His pity on them. It would seem blame was brought into the world once Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Their first desire, after God, was water. Later on God would be found in the water. How many times will they die? They continue to die from their affliction rather than dying to themselves. Yet the Word continues to raise them up.

God has ceased his commune with Adam multiple times. This must have been written by a Christian author, or at least translated by someone with a Christian bent. One of the other stories say Adam gave seventy of his years to David, but in what context did he know of David I wonder? Why did the Serpent get blown away to India specifically? So Adam and Eve made the first sacrifice in this story. The praise and worship in the garden couldn't be replicated, so they took it upon themselves to offer something else. God eventually grows tired of these offerings because the hearts behind them weren't as pure as Adam and Eve's during the first sacrifice. 

For the story idea I have, maybe I need to write more about life outside the garden. I don't know. It might be beyond the scope. I think this was a very thoughtful and purposeful story. I'm not sure what it's based on. I've heard of supposed gospels of different characters in the Bible, but I didn't know there were so many other stories. They're definitely interesting to read. 

pseud·e·pig·ra·pha: spurious or pseudonymous writings, especially Jewish writings ascribed to various biblical patriarchs and prophets but composed within approximately 200 years of the birth of Jesus Christ.

A·poc·ry·pha: biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Famous Last Words: Falling Behind


Still ahead, but I feel behind (Source)

    I would have liked to be finished with week three of this class by now, but instead I'm only doing the extra credit. So I'm perfectly on time, and I'm glad this class affords working at your own pace. It's all about the ebb and flow. This past week I was busy with traveling and job applications. It was growth in a different area than just academic. I'm appreciative of it all. My family is finally done with the corona virus, so now there's no need to be cautious! At least in the house... I'm now back in Norman and was able to go to church in person for the first time in awhile. It was nice to see everybody again. I'm excited to spend time with old and new friends. Since it's my last semester, it's my last chance to. I'm not regretful, but I could definitely have been more social at times at OU. I think it's all worked out to my good, however.

    I ate a frog first thing in the morning a couple times this past week. I finished a lab for one of my classes the week before it was due. Another day I filled out a job application the first thing in the morning. Applications aren't so bad, but these assessments companies like to do now can be time consuming. I was able to spend time with both my sisters in some way. We're all young, but there's a possibility I'll be moving away from them soon. I know they look up to me and appreciate the time I offer them, so I try not to take it for granted. It's been awhile since I've consistently worked out, and I did four days in a row! It feels good to be sore from work and not from sitting around. I'm thankful!

Learning Challenge: Sleep


Sleep (Source)

Why Sleeping May Be More Important Than Studying

    I remember my eighth grade teacher talking about the hippocampus and the role sleep plays in memory. I've taken a few psychology classes and have learned about the neural pathways and synapses. I know for a fact sleep helps with children remembering new words. I've always loved sleeping and get called out by my girlfriend for using words she doesn't know. All those statements are proof I'm an expert on the subject of sleep. It's just like how every person who has been driving for twenty years is an expert driver. 
    My studying pattern goes like this: I don't do it all night until I absolutely have to. When I do study until the early hours of the morning, I tend to do well on the test I'm about to take. I think there has been one occasion where I had to do that two nights in a row, but I've never done night after night of no sleep. I'm sure my performance would drop off if that was the case. 
    For the past few months I've been trying not to eat too close to my bedtime, but I've also been fasting.
I don't usually have any trouble with eating carbohydrates before I go to bed. In fact, I used to eat as much as possible before I went to bed, so I would have calories in my system at all hours. This is some hippie kind of stuff, but one guy told me once that digestion leads to bad sleep. Just like studying, I eat right before bed when it's necessary. 


Friday, February 5, 2021

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part A

 Adam and Eve

King James Bible: Genesis

How did Adam know what a mother or father was? After reading about them eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, I have come up with my story idea. The story will start out the same. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden created by God. There will be some differences once they're banished, however. The simulation will end. The couple will come back to reality. The couple thought they wouldn't fall for the same trap as Adam and Eve, but they come to find that sin was unavoidable for man. Or is it that the simulation doesn't allow an alternative? 

The Ideal Man et cetera

The Legends of the Jews by Lewis Ginzberg (1909)

I liked all the details provided about Adam. Particularly his wisdom and how involved he and God were in the creation of the world. My dad was recently telling me about a vision a Catholic saint had about Adam and Eve. Some of this story is similar. I watched a history channel special about Lilith once. I wonder if this story is where it comes from. Of course it seems these stories are based on Jewish legends. I have always understood the serpent to be Satan himself. Maybe this story implies the Serpent was only influenced by Satan. The description reminds me of a dragon.

"The first will be last, and the last will be first" fits in with what has dominion in this story. Humans were created last, and yet they are given charge of all that comes before it. The serpent deceived Eve and put discord between her and Adam. Her temptation came in waves and self-deception. Just a looksie. The Fall of Man and The Punishment were particularly interesting. 

It was her. Honest (Source)


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Microfiction: Nightmares

 Woody the Villain

    I walk down the stairs. Down to the basement. Perhaps to get soda. Woody is here. He's sitting in a chair. Woody is alive. He's not too nice. He's working with my dad? Boy, am I scared. It's not what he says. It's that he wants me dead. Wake up.

Pretty much (Source)

One Left

    I was in Chic-fil-A with my family and friends. I was eating a box of nuggets. A woman came to clean the table. Suddenly all the food and trash is gone. I had one chicken nugget left. I tell the woman I had one more. The box is in her hand. She rotates the box. The nugget falls to the ground. I ask her why. No reply. I demand she bring me more. She leaves and comes back. No nuggets. I get out of my chair. I scream at her. This isn't me. I'm not in control. I wake up.

Author's Note: 

    These are both nightmares I have actually had. The first is from when I was a child. Toy Story was my favorite movie as a kid. I had a huge Woody doll. One night I had a dream he was evil and so was my dad. Neither of them are evil, so you can understand why I was so frightened. I had the nightmare when I lived in Colorado, and we had an unfinished basement. When it was dark I was as afraid to go down there alone. It was scary on scary on scary.

    The second nightmare was one I had last night. The situation isn't that scary to me, although it would be very unusual to have an employee behaving like that at Chic-Fil-A. The scary part was that I was so mad at her for doing it. I was completely out of control and yelling at her. She really was remorseless, though.



Reading Notes, Inferno: Part B

  This story is part of the  Dante's Inferno unit . Story source:  Dante's Divine Comedy , translated by Tony Kline (2002) I read th...